mmi > Previous schools
Previous schools
Sixth France–Kosovo school
- Alexandre Bordas (École normale supérieure de Lyon): Fourier series, convolution product and an application to random walks on Zd
- Kevin François (IMT, Université de Toulouse 3): Introduction to algebraic topology and covering spaces
- Idriss Mazari (Université Pierre et Marie Curie): An introduction to optimization
and to the calculus of variations
Fifth France–Kosovo school
March 10th–13th 2017
- Oriane Blondel (CNRS and Université Lyon 1): Measure theory
- Matthieu Dussaule (Université de Nantes): An introduction to geometric group theory
- Pierre Perruchaud (Rennes): Introduction to Ergodic Theory. A first step towards chaos
Fourth session, December 2th–5th–, 2016
- Theory of Markov chains or Google’s PageRank algorithm by Ivan Bardet (ICJ, Lyon)
- Some numerical methods for ODE or how to simulate physical and biological systems by Charles-Edouard Bréhier (ICJ Lyon)
- Fourier analysis and applications or how to cultivate any branch of mathematical physics by Saïd Jabrane (Lyon)
Third session, July 11th–14th, 2016
- Introduction to asymptotic statistics, or where Gauss is (almost surely) everywhere by Émilie Devijver (KU Leuven Belgium)
- Introduction to algebraic topology or why a cup of tea and a donught are similar by Rémi Molinier (Kansas State University)
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations or how to get forecasts sometimes extremely precise by Saïd Jabrane (Lyon)
First session, December 18th–21th, 2015
Introduction to graph theory by:
- Alexandre Bordas (ENS Lyon)
- Émilie Devijver (KU Leuven Belgium)
- Rémi Molinier (Kansas State University)